Our metal folding division is designed to save you time and cost with fast setup times, changeover between jobs and speedy machines optimising productivity. Our machines are designed to meet your product and business requirements, including an even fold across the entire length, complex profiles and delicate materials. Precision Laser Cutting are experts in folding sheet metal.
Contact us today to discuss the advantages of Precision Laser Cutting’s CNC Folding / cut and fold service
We have a range of the latest CNC Folding machines. From top of the range Amada HDS series machines with hydraulic servo drives for greater accuracy, speed and reduced power consumption to the new Bystronic high speed Xpert 40 folding machine. See our drop down list for types and capabilities.
Accurate folding of complex profiles including tapers is ensured with eight programmable axes. Automatic table crowning makes sure that each fold is even across the full length, eliminating the tendency for the ends to fold more than the centre of the sheet.
Amada quick change tooling with hydraulic clamping means maximum flexibility to cope with short run production. We have invested in a large tool library to ensure we can bend the most complex profile with ease.
Our Amada pressbrakes also feature interchangeable back-gauge fingers that can be matched to the requirements of your job, increasing accuracy on delicate or complex jobs.
They also have integrated angle measuring devices, if the folded angle is not right first time it tells the CNC control to compensate, ensuring that the next part is perfect. Both machines are linked to our design office to eliminate the downtime of programming at the machine

Our Amada pressbrake also features interchangeable back-gauge fingers that can be matched to the requirements of your job, increasing accuracy on delicate or complex jobs.
It also has an integrated angle measuring device, if the folded angle is not right first time it tells the CNC control to compensate, ensuring that the next part is perfect. Both machines are linked to our design office to eliminate the downtime of programming at the machine
Extensive Tooling Library
With our hydraulic tool clamping and segmented top and bottom tools we can fold complex one off parts or high volume production efficiently.
Integrated angle measuring ensures part accuracy by transferring measured angle direct to the CNC controller for angle compensation.
Amada HDS 130-30 CNC
Amada HDS 130-30 CNC
- Bed length: 3050mm
- Maximum tonnage: 300 Ton
- Programmable axes: 8 + crowning (includes facility for taper folding)
- Tooling: Amada style quick change with hydraulic clamping
For heavy plate folding and lengths over 3 metres we have a Delem controlled 160 ton 6 axis CNC press.
Ermaksan 160-36
Ermaksan 160-36
- Bed length: 3600mm
- Maximum tonnage: 160 ton
- Programmable axes: 4 + crowning
- Tooling: European style
Bystronic Xpert X40 40 ton
Amada HDS 5020 NT 50 ton 2 meter
Amada HDS 8025 NT 80 ton 2.5 meter
Amada HDS 1303 NT 130 ton 3 meter 2 off
Ermak CNC 160 ton 3.6 meter
CNC Press Brake Folding Examples

laser cut & folded 4mm stainless steel part

laser cut & folded 6mm mild steel part

laser cut & folded 5mm mild steel part

laser cut & folded 3mm mild steel part

laser cut & folded 2mm cold rolled steel part